History of The Riverside/Northwest Avenue Church of Christ
The Beginning - 1920’s
In late 1926, or early 1927, a small group of people began meeting as a Sunday School in what was known as the “Thurber Home” at 605 E. Cuyahoga Falls Avenue in Akron. They called themselves the Gorge Mission School, a mission work of the High Street Christian Church.
In January 1928 trustees of High Street purchased two lots on Riverside Drive for construction of a building to house the Mission School, and looking to the time when a Church of Christ would be established. A third lot was later purchased and in September 1928 the High Street trustees were instructed to construct a building at a cost of $2,700.00. The official name would be the Riverside Chapel of High Street Church of Christ.
In June 1929, Henry Shaw, a High Street Timothy, was sent to minister to the new congregation. On December 3, 1929, George Knepper who was minister of High Street, delivered the dedicatory sermon for the new chapel.
On January 1, 1930, The Riverside Church of Christ was officially organized with 36 charter members. Nineteen of them came from other congregations. The church grew and in September 1931 Mr. Shaw left Riverside to further his education. Over the next three months, the Elders conducted the services. The next few years brought several changes of ministers - Everett Scott, C.H. Pickering, W.H. Baker, and C.A. Freer.
During C. Waller Jordan’s ministry from 1939 to 1948, the church separated from the United Christian Missionary Society and became independent from the High Street Church. Also during Mr. Jordan’s ministry, a baptistry was installed and an addition was built on the East side of the building allowing classrooms on upper and lower levels.
The church continued to grow during Hayword Ingram’s ministry from 1948 to 1957. On November 25, 1956, a ceremony was held to burn the mortgage for the church and parsonage. Mr. Ingram’s ministry was followed by Arthur Fields from 1957 to 1965.
In January 1966, Clyde True was called to minster with us. As our church family grew more classroom space was needed, as well as nursery and worship facilities.
In May 1966, the Building and Planning Committee was formed, with Bill Moneypenny as Chairman for the purpose of making plans to solve the problem at hand.
Every effort was made to expand the existing facilities, but it was concluded that we should relocate. A search began for land near our present location, but after looking at several parcels it was decided that what best suited the need was the 2.6 acres at Northwest Avenue and Thomas Road in Tallmadge.
The Riverside building was sold for $30,000.00, the same price as the new land. The congregation decided that the church name should be changed to Northwest Avenue Church of Christ.
1967 - 1975
After selling the Riverside Church, a place was needed for our church services while building the new structure. So, from January 1967 until November 1968, we met downtown in the Akron Bible Institute building. Teachers carried their supplies back and forth each week and carried in communion supplies and kept the juice in the Coke machine.
Ground was broken on March 3, 1968, for the new building and construction began almost immediately. As the weather warmed and construction progressed, Wednesday evening prayer services were held under the huge beams and the sky with 58 in attendance at the first service, sitting on planks for seats.
On November 9, 1968, we moved into our new building marked by a prayer service, followed by a week revival with 31 people accepting the Lord’s invitation. Dedication services were held on September 7, 1969.
Brother Clyde True remained as minister until June 1972. John Gidley filled in as interim minister until January 1973 prior to leaving for the mission field in Puerto Rico. In January 1973 Joe Brown came as minister and in June 1974 Doug Simpson was hired as our first Associate. When Joe Brown left suddenly in August 1974, Doug temporarily took the position until Duane Walter came as Senior Minister in April 1975.